Acquisition Experts
Concord is a strategic advisory firm that specializes in sell-side merger-acquisition advisory and strategic improvement for firms not-yet ready for acquisition or public offering.

Concord focuses on historic growth plus potential future value, and seeks to work along side the target acquirer to identify and resolve strategic needs and growth opportunities that can be met by combining the companies.

Concord will help you identify shortfalls that might prevent your company from successfully exiting and work with clients to overcome performance shortfalls to make the company an attractive acquisition target.

Small team means working with top tier executives, not passed off to junior associates once the contract is signed. Concord takes on only a few project each year and everyone is important to our success.
Specializing in Sell-Side Merger Acquisitions
For over 25 years, Concord Corporation has been helping companies get ready for acquisition. Concord’s consulting and research services focus on making sure your organization is structurally sound and, specifically, your revenue chart will be attractive to potential acquirers.
Concord helps companies attain consistent, strong revenue growth through consulting, training and ongoing assistance.
Nothing slows down your opportunity of a successful exit more than poor or inconsistent sales numbers. Concord helps companies determine what needs to be fixed, helps them fix it and then monitors sales growth to make sure the company receives the highest valuation possible.